Wednesday, May 10, 2017

To Tampa!


Just a quick update for any who are curious. Olivia and I are planning to travel this weekend to Tampa, FL for a visit with Holy Trinity PCA. They are considering me for their pastoral intern position, which would be a two-year, salaried position encompassing mostly youth ministry and outreach. We have also been green-lighted for the Liv Apartments apartment ministry in Charlotte. We are torn between these two options. Our hearts are in Charlotte and we would be very happy staying put for a time and growing as a couple. However, the experience in Tampa would be significantly better preparation for pastoral ministry, as such. We are hoping that this weekend trip will help clarify God's will for us, and that we will come away with a better idea of where to go in the future. Regardless of which option we go with, we will be moving at the end of June and need to begin planning for that, as well!

If you would please pray for us, we are torn about the choice and need clarity. Please pray that God would not only make His will clear to us, but that He would strengthen our hearts to obey His will and to do so joyfully, not begrudgingly. Pray that our joy and hope would be in Christ and not our circumstances and that we would be confident in God's mercy and providential care. 

+ Blessings in Christ +

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