Thursday, May 25, 2017

En La Ciudad de La Reina!


Many of you have been wondering about the Ginn's. Are we moving to Tampa? Will we ever see you again? How does Olivia still manage to put up with Keith after almost 4 years of marriage? (That last answer's all God's grace, baby!) 

The short answer is that we are planning to stay in Charlotte for the near future! We took our trip to Holy Trinity PCA in Tampa, and it was a great church. There were many things about it that we liked and they were very welcoming to us. However, nothing about it screamed out to us, "Come here! You need to be here!" We have definitely felt that way about Charlotte. We have a great church in which to serve and grow. We have been given the green light for the Liv Apartments program, so we will have a free place to live. We both are gainfully employed. In all, we are thrilled to be where we are and plan to stay for a while!

While we are happy to finally have that question settled, there are now a host of things that need doing in the next couple of months. We need to pack and get ready to move at the end of June. We need to think about our family future. We need to think about our financial situation. 

As it stands, Olivia will still be at her current job. She will help with the Liv program, but that responsibility will primarily fall on me. Since that will likely require anywhere from 12-15 hours a week, I am thinking about my own employment situation. We have a good setup for the future, but many things are still up in the air and there will be a lot of stress coming in the next couple of months, particularly with the move, as we will have to down-size to fit into our new place. 

If you could please pray for:
1. Our upcoming move and all the normal stresses that go along with that!
2. Keith's continuing effort to learn Spanish to better serve in the Liv Apartment program.
3. Wisdom as we think about our future as a family, and, closely related...
4. Wisdom regarding our employment situation as we head into the future!

Details are still being worked out, and we will have more info in the coming weeks, but, for now, thank you for your continued love and support! As we embark on this new adventure, we are so thrilled to have such a wonderful group of people to come alongside of us. We love you and can't wait for what God has for us in the months and years to come!

We love y'all! 

+ Blessings in Christ +

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