Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Peace Table

 "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:1)

How many times have we heard something like, "All I'm looking for is some peace of mind?" Or how joyful is a war-torn nation when the announcement of "Peace!" is finally made. Peace is a reality that often seems to elude us. We seek it. We think if we had a different set of circumstances, we would have more peace. But there is a greater peace that every single human soul needs: peace with God. In our sins, we are out of fellowship with our Creator. We are antagonists, acting against Him, rebels and traitors warring against His righteous rule of all things. What hope for peace could cantankerous usurpers like us possibly have with God?

That's part of what makes Romans 5:1 such an amazing verse. We not only have the hope of peace, it isn't just a possibility; it's a reality! We aren't waiting to see if it comes, we have it! We have PEACE with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. God is no longer angry with you, Christian. If you have been justified by faith; declared innocent through the blood of Christ and clothed in His perfect righteousness: God is not mad at you. He has no more wrath against you. He has no condemnation awaiting you for all your sins, for Christ was already condemned for them. In the absence of conflict, which Christ has taken away, and in the presence of love, which Christ has provided; you are left with nothing but peace. 

Peace with God through Jesus Christ. If you have Him, you have everything required for peace with God. And not just the peace of a ceasefire! Not just an armistice. The perfect peace of God that surpasses understanding is yours in Christ Jesus. The peace that pervades a loving household. The peace of love. The peace of satisfaction. The peace of enjoyment of the other. Christ has given you that sort of peace with God, Christian.

It is that peace that we celebrate and picture as we come to the Lord's table. The meal we eat as we are served by the Lord Jesus is the feast of a loving family. God has not only received us in Christ, but He assures us of our reception through a meal shared with Him. We eat with Him at His table as brothers and sisters, received and beloved by God. 

As we taste the bread and drink the cup, may that be the word that most fills our souls: peace! Peace with God and peace with one another, through Christ our Lord.

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