Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Brief Update

Beloved friends,

As many of you know, Olivia and I have begun a new ministry at Trinity Chapel Charlotte, a church plant of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP). We are excited for the future God has for us in this new work. 

With the transition, we will be transitioning out of the apartment ministry. With that coming to a close, we want to thank all you who have faithfully supported us through your prayers and financial gifts. As indicated in the newsletter sent out last month, if you feel the Lord leading you to direct your support elsewhere, please feel free to end your support of us at this time. Move on to support something else great, knowing that you go with our tremendous thanks! You have loved us very well and we have felt so blessed by your partnership. 

However, if you feel that the Lord is leading you to still support us through prayer and finances, we would love to continue this relationship. Trinity Chapel is an unincorporated church, meaning that any gifts given are now tax-deductible (woohoo!). Trinity Chapel has a Paypal registered to its website ( where you can also find mailing info if that is your preferred method of giving.

Our goal over the next 5 months is to raise roughly $180,000 to cover Keith's salary for the next 3 years. The method used in ARP church planting is to have 3 years of a salary raised, diminishing over that period as the church becomes able to support their own pastor. So Keith's salary for the next 3 years will transition gradually from outside support, to church support, as in the following rough model:

Year 1: 100% Outside Giving/0% Church Support
Year 2: 75% Outside Giving/25% Church Support
Year 3: 50% Outside Giving/50% Church Support

This model operates on the assumption that a church will be unable to fully support their pastor for a time (a "worst case scenario" of sorts). If God blesses the work sooner than later, and a church becomes financially able to support a pastor after a year, the outside support could cease then. However, if the soil proves difficult, and a church struggles to grow, this model allows for the ministry to continue for at least ~3 years, so we can make a good run at it.

Our intention is to raise all of these funds through established churches within our presbytery (the regional body of churches in North Carolina). But we know that some of you see value in our ministry, enjoy Keith's preaching, and may want to continue (or begin) supporting us. If that is the case, we hope you will commit to supporting our first year at Trinity Chapel, that we might start well and see what the Lord will do!

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on Facebook, text/call (630-502-9081), or email me at my fancy new email address ( 

Thank you for taking the time to read our update. We love y'all!

+ Blessings in Christ +

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