Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Late Summer Update and Request 2017


We are one month in! It's been an outstanding first month and we are loving the apartment ministry. We've met a bunch of our neighbors, had great conversations in English and Spanish, played soccer with some ninos, and had our first community event (pool party with ice cream for all!) So far, the Liv Apartment ministry seems to be a hit. We have plans to start English and Spanish Bible studies soon, so we can translate some of these great neighborly interactions into spiritual outreach and development. We are humbled, nervous, and excited about what God plans to do through us here! For those who don't know, this step into apartment ministry was well outside our comfort zone, but God is faithful, and we thank Him that He knows better than us when to tear down the walls of our comfort!

On another exciting note, East Charlotte PCA, the church where Olivia and I have been members for about a year-and-a-half, has offered me a position as a pastoral apprentice. The primary emphasis of this position will be on outreach and evangelism. This will be more serious than the internship I had at New Covenant ARP, and will look much more like full-time pastoral ministry. I am thrilled about this development and am looking forward to going deeper into the calling God has on my life! The church does not have funds to pay me at this point, so I will need to start raising financial support at some point in the future. However, I am still gainfully employed and can continue to work as we get support in place, until the point where I can focus on the Liv Apartment ministry and the apprenticeship full-time. 

What we really need at this point is your prayers. I plan to start sending out newsletters as a more official way of updating people about our ministry, now and into the future. If you enjoy hearing about our work and would commit to praying for us, I would love to put you down and send you our updates! Feel free to email me ( or respond with a comment if interested.

In the midst of the stress and excitement of this new ministry, I consider Colossians 4:2-3, "Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ". If you desire to pray alongside of and for us, we would love to have you as a prayer partner! We look forward to sharing this great adventure with you!

We love y'all!

+ Blessings in Christ +

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