Wednesday, January 11, 2017

An Update to Start 2017


Several of you have expressed an interest recently regarding our plans for the near and far future as it stands. Many of you lovingly supported our trip to the WI presbytery meeting a few months back and, while we have spoken with many of you personally, we have not been able to keep everyone updated on our plans. So, here goes:

The trip to the WI presbytery meeting in September went well. We were able to network, meet many helpful contacts, and get a good feel for the overall atmosphere of the PCA in Wisconsin. However, it became apparent that, while there was plenty of work to do, there was not plenty of financial support with which to do it. The gist we got from many pastors was that they would love to have us come serve, but the churches simply didn't have the money to support us financially. As many of you know, our budget has been pretty tight for a while, so the prospect of spending several more years without an income on my part was not feasible. 

In spite of this, there is still one church in WI which I am still in communication with. They are planning to plant a new church out of their existing congregation with the current associate pastor being the church planter. This church is hoping that I can come and fill this man's role once he has left to start the new work, likely around November or December. The church is a well-established church with about 250-300 members currently, and they are still growing. Finances are still an issue, but I have been in communication with the church, and we are still working through possibilities. 

There are several other potential ministry opportunities, but they are all still well up in the air, and I wouldn't feel right sharing details on those just yet. All that to say, we have certainly not given up on ministry, nor do we ever plan to! 

As it stands now, I have just finished my final classes at Reformed Theological Seminary and am scheduled to graduate in May. I have recently accepted a position with FedEx as a package handler, to generate extra income while we wait and see what the Lord has for us. Our prayer is that this church in WI will follow through with their church plant, and that we will be able to work out a deal that will be sufficient for us to move up there and start ministering. As I said, that would not happen until at least the end of 2017, so the plan right now is to stay in Charlotte, rebuild our financial situation, and continue in preparation through preaching and serving in our local church. 

If you would consider praying for us, we would specifically ask: prayers of thanksgiving for my new job; prayers for patience as we wait on the Lord's plan for us; and prayers for diligence, that our hands would not grow slack as we invest in the kingdom now and prepare for our future work.

+ Blessings in Christ +

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Keith and Olivia for being able to use the cdommon sense that God has graced you with. God always answer prayer, but sometimes His answer is Wait Awhile, and I feel that is where you are right now. God never closes a door before he opens a window of opportunity and I truly believe that is where you are. Learning patience is one of the hardest of emotions to deal with, but in the long run it will pay off. God Bless You as you "Wait" knowing that He is in Control and He is working on your behalf. We Love you. Grandma and Grandad Ginn
